

Air to Water Heat Pump Heaters

Time:2020-02-09    Clicks:2137    Source: Original
  In recent years, air to water heater as a new type of water heater for end user, its use proportion increases, become a trend gradually.

 Air to water heaters are already common in developed markets. And because air can heat water in energy-saving respect outstanding result, Japan and Europe provided relevant rebate policy. Take the United States as an example,the United States energy conservation law provides that residents can rebate air to water heater expenses of 30% of the income tax credit. The successful development of air to water heater in foreign market is the direct cause that air to water heater becomes more and more active in home appliance market.

  With the development of science and technology, the life style of people is changing, air to water heater compares with electrical water heater, have very big promotion in the respect of life demand that satisfies and exaltation life quality. An air to water heater can provide constant hot water in 24 hours to meet the demand in daily life, and its products and services have been optimized.

  The working principle of air to water heater, realized water and electricity separation, the end user will not need to worry about electricity water heater leakage, leakage of gas and fire safety problems, the performance improved compared with other water heater products. 

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